Productivity Hacks that Will Result In A Novel

productivity hacks to write a novel
They say the hardest part about writing a novel is being disciplined enough to sit down at your desk each and every day and be productive enough to actually put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Indeed, you cannot take a shortcut when planning out the plot or developing emotionally enthralling characters. But can you streamline the process and center your productivity to produce the most efficient and creative outcome? Of course you can. You just need these tips:

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To-Do List or To-Don’t List? That is the Question

To-do or to-don't list
The to-do list has become one of the largest tools for increasing productivity. But are our to-do lists really helping as much as we think they are? To-do lists can help us set goals and create checks so we do not lose track of a task—or our lives, for that matter—but they often limit us to what we have personally designated as important.
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How to Use Music to Immediately Improve Your Productivity

Music plays a major part in many of the things we do every day. An upbeat jam can give us that extra push we need to finish our 3-mile run, a crowd-pleasing song almost always accompanies a group of fans cheering on their team, and a familiar tune can bring back a heartwarming memory. Certainly, the right song at the right time enhances our lives. So how can music improve our productivity?

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Work Smarter, Not Harder With Time Blocking

how to be more productive with time blocking
As the saying goes, we all have the same amount of hours in our day as Beyonce. So why does she have a crazy successful music career, fashion line and Instagram following—all while serving as a loving mother and wife—while you’re stuck trying to get through your workday alive?

We’re betting it’s time blocking. Time blocking is the ultimate productivity hack. Like, if you need one productivity hack in your life and nothing else, this would be it. So, what is time blocking and why have you never heard of it? We’ll tell you. Time blocking—also known as The Pomodoro Technique—is touted as the best tool to prevent burnout. Read on to learn more about time blocking, and how you can use it in your own daily life. We can’t promise you’ll hit it as big as Queen Bey, but you never know!

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Does Your Job Fit Your Personality?

Does your job fit your personality?
Whether you’re a millennial or a baby boomer, experiencing a mid-life career switch or just starting out, everyone wants to be doing something with his or her career that is truly satisfying. However, to be truly satisfied in our profession, we first need to know what we are born to do.

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How Social Media #Fitspiration is Sabotaging Your Goals

fitspiration sabotage
We are a nation obsessed with weight. Even though we’ve gone from idolizing anorexic models to athletic fit-chicks, we’ve never taken the focus off weight. We only teeter between who’s carrying too much and who’s not carrying enough.
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The Must-Have Tool for Parents Going Back to School

The term “nontraditional student” may no longer be relevant. According to studies released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), adults going back to school make up the fastest growing demographic in education across the country.

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Examining Common Factors in Unorthodox Paths to Greatness

embrace your personal path to success
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

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6 Motivational Must-Reads: Meet Your Next Favorite Book

GA_Blog_10-Must-Read-BooksSince the beginning of time, there have always been exceptional people. But let’s face it, not everyone can be a Mark Zuckerberg, a Bill Gates or a Plato. Exceptions are created, not born. So are you ready for a little motivation to get busy creating your extraordinary life?  Read more

Dominate Your To-Do List in 3 Easy Steps

dominate your to-do list
Whether you’re running a business, raising a family, or just trying to survive this semester, to-do lists are an age-old method for getting organized. But what happens when no matter how hard you try, you just can’t complete the tasks you’ve set for yourself? These tips and tricks helped famous masters of efficiency cross off their to-do lists. Chances are they’ll work for you, too.

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