4 Unforgettably Fun Family Night Ideas

When you look back on your childhood, what pleasant memories do you most remember? The answer is different for all of us, but it usually has to do with those little moments that were made special because they weren’t forced.
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Debunking Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty Nest Syndrome
Back in the ‘70s, both psychologists and the media popularized the term “empty-nest-syndrome”—a myth that parents, especially mothers, feel a sense of depression and loss of purpose when their children leave home. But researchers are now debunking this myth and suggesting that this period in a parents’ life can be one of increased opportunity, heightened excitement and renewed relationships. They are proving parents are excited over a wealth of opportunity they hadn’t seen since prior to having children.

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Savoring Moments You Didn’t Know Deserved Celebration

Have you ever had one of those perfect moments in life when everything seemed to just click? Or maybe a dear wish came true? They say those are the moments that memories are made of. Well, granted, some moments in life are more heartfelt than others, but each one is worthy of our appreciation and gratitude for one reason or another. And all too often, magic moments go unrecognized. Here are 15 Ah-ha moments that we think deserve to be added to the memory jar:

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Why Community Gardens are Skyrocketing in Popularity

Community GardensInterest in food gardening is booming. Last year the National Gardening Association reported that more than one-third of American households are now growing some of their own food, a number that has increased by 17 percent since 2008. During this time, the number of Millennials gardening has risen 63 percent, and even the Obamas have a food plot big enough to feed their family on the White House lawn—so what are you waiting for?

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A Peak Into the World Of Online Couponing And How It Can Help You

Online couponingAt GetAssist, we’re all about purposeful communication. Online teamwork. Making every day life easier for, well, everyone. Whether you’re looking for new areas to save a dime for your family, new avenues for generating revenue or new customers to get introduced to your business, couponing is the way to go. Here is a comprehensive peek into the world of couponing, from all angles.

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How Social Media #Fitspiration is Sabotaging Your Goals

fitspiration sabotage
We are a nation obsessed with weight. Even though we’ve gone from idolizing anorexic models to athletic fit-chicks, we’ve never taken the focus off weight. We only teeter between who’s carrying too much and who’s not carrying enough.
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11 Smart Money-Saving Tips to Save Without Sacrifice

GA_Blog_HomeMaker-Money-SavingRemember the old adage; money doesn’t grow on trees? Well as much as we’ve grown in the fields of science and agriculture, we’ve yet to figure out how to grow money in our own backyards.

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What to Do When Online Dating Isn’t Your Thing


Have you recently joined an online dating service? Welcome to the automated world of meeting and mating.

Or not.

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How to Host a Healthy BBQ the Entire Neighborhood Will Love

What do you consider the best part of summer? Is it sunny days spent out on the water? Perhaps its the refreshing freedom of having time to read a book on the porch? Or maybe it’s that magical backyard BBQ where the entire neighborhood comes together to share good food, fun and laughter. This year, it’s time to step up and host your very own healthy cookout. Create a private community on GetAssist and invite the block! You can even start a sign-up list to encourage neighbors and friends to bring their own culinary creations. Whether you’re celebrating 4th of July or Canada Day, these five delicious swaps will make your party an epic success.

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Dominate Your To-Do List in 3 Easy Steps

dominate your to-do list
Whether you’re running a business, raising a family, or just trying to survive this semester, to-do lists are an age-old method for getting organized. But what happens when no matter how hard you try, you just can’t complete the tasks you’ve set for yourself? These tips and tricks helped famous masters of efficiency cross off their to-do lists. Chances are they’ll work for you, too.

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