Marketing to Millennials: The Do’s and Don’ts


Years ago, to get your content read by the masses, you would take out an ad in the local newspaper, or set up a radio announcement. This would ensure that the vast majority of the population saw your information. Unfortunately, the number of channels we use to communicate has exponentially increased, making it incredibly difficult for this approach to be effective. And if it is effective in the slightest, measuring ROI is absolutely impossible. With so many channels to choose from, users hardly ever get all of their information from the same place.

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7 Work-from-home Jobs that Can Turn Into Careers

7 work from home jobs
Almost everyone spends their time at work daydreaming of the opportunity to work from home. Visions of sweatpants and warm bedding dance around in their heads, before they’re rudely snapped back to their freezing corporate cubicle. But rarely does an office-dweller dream of the hard work and decisions it takes to make working from home work for them. To work from home, especially if you want to work for yourself, you need a solid plan. How you monetize your skills is of the utmost importance. Here are 7 work-from-home possibilities that can turn into a full-time career for you.

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Beat the Winter Blues with These Team Building Activities


While a few winter enthusiasts dismiss the winter blues, in North America’s coldest cities, just leaving the house can be an ordeal in the winter months. First, expect to take longer than usual to get properly geared up to walk out the door (that is, if you can find the hats, mitts and goggles required to face another icy day). People who drive to work also need to leave ample time to shovel out, scrape off and heat up their vehicles before hitting the road. Finally, anyone who takes public transit should brace themselves for delays, frozen appendages and ice-encrusted eyebrows.

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Prepare Your Business for Winter Tourists—There’s Still Time!

prepare your business for winter tourists

In the first eight months of this year, Canada welcomed 12.6 million international travelers, making it the strongest season in seven years, according to Destination Canada. In addition, many Canadians are choosing staycations as a way to stretch their budget in a soft economy.

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Marketing Tips to Help Your Business Get a Piece of the Holiday Pie

Holiday marketing is not something you should haphazardly throw money at. Competition for your consumers’ attention is fierce during the season and you absolutely have to engage in a really unique way if you want them to see you. We mean a Really. Unique. Way. There is more pressure on businesses today to deliver winning holiday messages than there was just a few years ago. True story.

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EMV Chip Regulation: What It Means For Your Small Business

The ways we pay have changed in a huge way over the last few years, and the US has finally jumped on board by implementing EMV standards across the country. Magnetic strips on the backs of many of our credit cards are one of the largest security issues we encounter in our daily lives. It’s increasingly common that cards are being duplicated because the technology has been used for such a long time and there’s no real process to make sure the person who possesses the card is who the card actually belongs to.
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Millennials: Time to Coach the Boss

millennials coach the boss
Millennials (at least in sheer numbers) are the largest generation making up the working class in both the US and Canadian workforce this year. That’s a fact.

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Productivity Hacks that Will Result In A Novel

productivity hacks to write a novel
They say the hardest part about writing a novel is being disciplined enough to sit down at your desk each and every day and be productive enough to actually put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Indeed, you cannot take a shortcut when planning out the plot or developing emotionally enthralling characters. But can you streamline the process and center your productivity to produce the most efficient and creative outcome? Of course you can. You just need these tips:

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To-Do List or To-Don’t List? That is the Question

To-do or to-don't list
The to-do list has become one of the largest tools for increasing productivity. But are our to-do lists really helping as much as we think they are? To-do lists can help us set goals and create checks so we do not lose track of a task—or our lives, for that matter—but they often limit us to what we have personally designated as important.
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Forging Your Company’s Bold New Path

how to start a business in a niche market
Every year, hundreds of people launch new businesses, with most of these steering toward existing categories. The speculation here is the bigger the market, the greater the opportunity. The principle problem with this thought, however, is that more than likely there is already a King in the marketplace, and it’s nearly impossible to dethrone Kings.

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